Sunday, July 22, 2007

Harry Potter.....the wait is over!

Yeah!!! Finally, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows is here! Light was so excited! He thought it was so cool to be going to the release of book 7 when he was 7 (lucky 7 as he tells it!) He started reading the series in September, when he was still 6, and he completed Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince this week. We went to the midnight party at our local bookstore and couldn't wait to get our copy of the seventh book. So many people were dressed up for the big day, and Light was no exception. He went as his favorite character, Harry Potter, of course! He loved running around, bellowing out spells at other kids, and even found that our lovely fountain by our bookstore makes a great pensive (you gotta read Harry Potter to understand!), if you use your imagination (and Light has plenty of that!). He kept "placing his thoughts" in the "pensive" with his wand. He even grabbed a few random strangers thoughts as well. He was so excited he could hardly contain himself in line to purchase the book, and he got a jump on reading it on the way home, at 1 o'clock in the morning! I was jealous....I couldn't read yet because I had to drive!

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