Thursday, September 06, 2007

Minuet Music

Light has been doing so awesome on the violin. He began lessons a year and a half ago, but started actually "playing" the violin a bit over a year ago. Most days he remembers to practice himself, and he has developed a great relationship with his violin instructor. She has gotten really good at letting him run with a musical idea, then reigning him back in for the lesson. He makes so many musical intuitive leaps while he is learning a song that it can be hard to keep up with him (he moves at the speed of light....remember!) She has commented several times on his passion and enthusiasm!

He is finishing up the Suzuki book 1 and is so excited to begin book 2. He really loves music and can often be heard running around the house humming the latest song he is working on. This summer he learned 3 Minuets by Bach, and Minuet 2 is his favorite. Enjoy hearing him play.